Wednesday, March 21, 2012

April Fools

April Fools!!!!!

As you all know, April Fools is just around the corner… Sad for us, it’s on a Sunday this year so work pranks will just have to be postponed till Monday in our office! J  An even better surprise attack!
I LOVE April Fools and want to start getting into it a lot more.  I wanna be the person that everyone walks on pins and needles around this time of year. All growing up my mom would put the popper fireworks that you throw at the ground on the knobs under the toilet seat. We would wake up, still half asleep, and go straight to the bathroom.  She’d get us EVERY YEAR.

Since I love it so much, I thought I’d share some ideas of my own or some that I’ve heard.  Let me know what you think!

1. Sew the sleeves of your spouses t-shirts so when they go to put them on in the morning, they can't get their arms through the sleeves. 
2. Sprinkle kool aide on their towel before they get out of the shower.
3. Put hair gel in the hand sanitizer bottles.
4. If you work with people who smoke, put a smoking sign out where they usually smoke.  We did this last year at work and they all changed the location of where they smoked for weeks.

5. Put post-it-notes on the bottom of everyone’s mouse a work.
6. Change everyone’s background screen to a picture of you, or better yet, if you have a blackmail picture of a co-worker!
7. Tape cooked Broccoli under your spouses or co-workers desk.  They’ll be trying to figure out what the smell is all day.
8. Open a can of sardines and leave them under someone’s seat in their car.
9. Superglue a quarter or dollar coin to the floor in the elevator. We did this when we were younger at the mall.  Best is when you do it in a glass elevator so you can sit back and be entertained from afar. J
10. Make your spouse/person you live with think you are super nice and pour them a bowl of their favorite cereal and bring it to them, BUT FIRST put a couple drops of food coloring at the bottom of the bowl before pouring in the cereal. Let them pour in the milk so they think they did something wrong when the milk comes out green or purple!

11. The traditional put an elastic around the sink faucet so when it turns on it sprays.
12. We did this to a friend when we were younger… Put your spouses bra or underwear in water and then in the freezer overnight. Hide all the rest of them so when they go looking for it in the morning that’s all they have!
13. Change all the clocks back 3 hours and set the alarm for an hour after they usually wake up, so when the alarm goes off in the morning and they rush in the shower only to find out later it’s really 3AM. J
14. My friends and I did this to a friend a while back… Take their phone and change their top 10 or so people they talk to the most to Master, Sargent, Genie, Jasmine, Tinker Bell, The Police, etc. Any names you come up with!  Not many people remember numbers these days so will have to ask the person who it is. Even funnier would be to get all those people in on it so they don’t tell.

For more fun ideas click here to visit Amy’s website.

I couldn’t stop laughing while in class just reading these!   
Got any more fun ideas!?  Please share!! We All love April Fools if we are the one’s making the pranks!!
HAPPY APRIL FOOLS! Let me know how your day goes!! :)

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